Human Rights Portfolio/ CAM Holiday Card

January 7, 2022

In 2020 I was invited by SOS ART to carve a block as part of a portfolio of woodcut prints on Human Rights in collaboration with Taller Burro Press in Oaxaca, Mexico.

The portfolio features twenty-five prints by twelve artists from Oaxaca and twelve artists from Cincinnati, each addressing one of twelve human rights topics (along with one title page print.) All twelve blocks by Cincinnati artists were sent to Taller Burro Press where they were printed.

For my woodcut I focused on the topic of Housing. I chose to explore the Trump administration's destructive determination to limit access to housing opportunities sought through immigration by constructing new segments of border wall. In addition to denying our fellow man these opportunities, such structures along the U.S.-Mexico border also threaten wildlife corridors. The jaguar depicted is one of many species whose habitats are affected.

The purpose of the portfolio was to challenge artists to create images and messages around human rights through a collaborative process across different cultures, and also to raise funds for both SOS ART and Taller Burro Press for their current and future projects. The portfolio was printed in an edition of fifty.

Recently, one portfolio was acquired by the Cincinnati Art Museum with funds provided by Friends of Prints. They chose to feature my print from the portfolio on their 2021 holiday card, which is an incredible honor! The card features a square reproduction of the print on thick textured cardstock, which when folded flat is positioned beside the CAM logo icon in a lovely embossed gold foil. When the card is folded open, the holiday greeting is revealed.

“Roar into 2022 with Health & Happiness”


Making Faces


Steam Roller Printing